Is Jimmy Butler Really Michael Jordan's Son?

Jimmy Butler III is not the son of Michael Jordan, the former NBA player despite the rumors making rounds over the years that he is the biological son of MJ.

Jimmy Butler III is an American professional basketball player abandoned by his father as a child. Among other things, Butler’s skills on the court are part of the reasons some people vow he’s Michael Jordan’s son. In January 2016 while playing for the Chicago Bulls where Jordan spent most of his NBA career, Butler broke Jordan’s team record for points in a half. Now with the Miami Heat, he equaled one of Jordan’s records during the 2021-2022 season. He became the first player since Jordan in 1988 to pull off at least 40 points and four steals in the same series and in multiple games. 

Is Jimmy Butler Michael Jordan’s Son?

The Miami Heat small forward, Jimmy Butler III, was named after his biological father, Jimmy Butler II. But then, almost nothing is known about Jimmy Butler II and it has fueled the speculations about Michael Jordan being the biological father of the Miami Heat player. According to available information, Jimmy Butler’s father, Jimmy Butler II, abandoned him with his mother, Londa Butler, when he was a child.


— CryptoNerd (@myhiphopnet) February 2, 2016

Jimmy lived with his mother in Tomball, Houston, until he became a teenager. He recalled that his mother told him “I don’t like the look of you” when she kicked him out of their house. At that time, Jimmy was only 13 years old. Now, the claim that Jimmy Butler is Michael Jordan’s son has been around for a while. But it has been gaining renewed attention of late after a TikToker made a video that claimed Jimmy’s mother Londa Butler revealed the real reason she kicked him out of their home.

According to the video which has received millions of views, Londa said she kicked Jimmy out because the payment she was receiving for his upkeep stopped coming in. The video also claimed that Londa said Jimmy’s father left him to protect his name. All of these claims were then tied to the rumor that Michael Jordan abandoned a child he had with a woman in Georgia.

As claimed, he had this child, now rumored to be Jimmy, around the same time he was getting set to marry his first wife, Juanita Vanoy. So to protect his name, upcoming nuptials, and avoid the scandal that was to come, he offered to pay off the woman who according to the rumors, is Jimmy’s mother. Despite the rumors which have persisted, there is no solid piece of evidence that proves Michael Jordan is related to Jimmy Butler.

Who Is Jimmy Butler’s Dad?

Jimmy Butler’s biological father is a man named Jimmy Butler II, whom he was named after. Nothing is known about Jimmy Butler II and it has fueled the speculations about Michael Jordan being the biological father of the Miami Heat player. According to available information, Jimmy Butler’s father abandoned him with his mother, Londa Butler, when he was a child.

Jimmy Butler’s Biological Mom

Jimmy Butler’s biological mom, Londa Butler, is an American woman of African-American ethnicity. Like her former husband, Jimmy Butler II, very little information is available about her background. Details regarding her date of birth, age, parents, and siblings are unavailable in the public space. However, it is believed that she was born and raised in Tomball, Texas.

According to some reports, Londa Butler, lived in Houston, Texas, and attended Tomball High School. She reportedly graduated from a public high school in 1980 and enrolled in Lone Star College, where she studied to become a medical office receptionist. After she graduated, she worked as a receptionist for a while. However, reports have it that she now works as a caregiver.

Who Is Jimmy Butler’s Adopted Mom?

Jimmy Butler’s adopted mom is Michelle Lambert. Recall that Jimmy’s biological mom cared for him until he was 13 (Reports have it that she kicked Jimmy out of their home at that age). Afterward, he lived with several friends but eventually found a permanent home when he became friends with Jordan Leslie, a former American football wide receiver.

He started staying in Jordan Leslie’s home, and Jordan’s parents, Michael and Michelle Lambert, eventually decided to take him in. The couple already had seven children at the time (4 from Michelle’s late husband and 3 from Michael’s previous union) and were skeptical about adding Jimmy to the number.

However, because their children had bonded so much with him, they decided to let him stay, but not without setting some ground rules for him, which resulted in significant improvement in his academic performance. For the first time in his life, Jimmy experienced what it felt like to have a family support system. To date, he still maintains a good relationship with his adoptive parents, and has thanked them publicly on several occasions for their role in his life.

Summary of Facts About Jimmy Butler and Michael Jordan’s Relationship

Questions About Their RelationshipFacts
Is Jimmy Butler Michael Jordan’s son?No, Jimmy Butler is not Michael Jordan’s son.
What sparked the rumor of their relationship?The rumor originated from a 2016 post on, suggesting Butler might be Jordan’s illegitimate son based on another rumor about Jordan.
What is the truth behind Butler’s family life?Butler was born in Houston in 1989 to Jimmy Butler II and Londa Butler. He faced family struggles, including being kicked out by his mother at 13 and living with various friends.
How did the conspiracy theory gain traction?The theory gained traction through TikTok and YouTube videos, especially after Butler’s performance in the NBA playoffs.
Is there any evidence supporting the rumor?No, there is no evidence to support the rumor; it’s entirely false.
What are the known facts about Michael Jordan’s family?Jordan has been married twice and has five children – three with his first wife, Juanita Vanoy, and two with his second wife, Yvette Prieto.
What are the similarities between Butler and Jordan?Fans noted physical resemblances and similar clutch performances in playoffs, but these are coincidental and not based on familial ties.
How does Butler view his family?Despite his tumultuous early life, Butler maintains a relationship with both of his parents and expresses love for them.

Is Michael Jordan related to Michael B Jordan? 

Interestingly, Jimmy isn’t the only person who has been rumored or suspected to be Michael Jordan’s child. A few years ago and up till now, people wonder if the former basketball player is related to American actor Michael B Jordan.

Michael Jordan and Michael B Jordan are not related in any way. The only thing they have in common is that they are Americans who share the same surnames. The actor was born to Donna and Michael A. Jordan whereas the former NBA star was born to Deloris (née Peoples) and James R. Jordan Sr.

Admittedly, Michael Jordan is old enough to be Michael B Jordan’s father, but the actor is not his son. The NBA legend has three children; two sons and a daughter, all of whom he had with his first wife, Juanita Vanoy. Their names are Jeffrey Michael Jordan (born November 18, 1988), Marcus James Jordan (born December 24, 1990), and Jasmine M. Jordan (born 1992).


Who are Jimmy Butler’s Parents?

Jimmy Butler’s parents are Jimmy Butler II (father) and Londa Butler (mother).

Is Jimmy Butler Related to Michael Jordan?

No, Jimmy Butler is not related to Michael Jordan. The rumor suggesting that Butler might be Jordan’s son is completely false. It originated from a baseless internet conspiracy theory with no evidence to support it. Jimmy Butler was born to his parents, Jimmy Butler II and Londa Butler, and has no familial connection to Michael Jordan. This rumor has been debunked and is purely a product of online speculation.
